Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Diamond Light- "Krotona EP"

You know that feeling you get when a friend hands you a CD and casusally says, "Hey, this is my band, you should listen to it."'s something akin to panic and squirmy nervousness, hoping that the CD in your palm isn't absolute drivel and you won't have to subsequently lie to their face about how much you loved it. It's an uncomfortable place to be. On the flip side, the CD could be excellent, a piece of pure genius waiting to be discovered by the masses. So you put it on the stereo and hope for the best.

Which is how I came to know The Diamond Light. My friend Brian informed me that his band's EP had debuted only a few days ago, and suggested I check it out. The aforementioned conflict stirred in my gut, but I was happy to find that this band has put out a solid freshman collection of indie rock that is simultaneously raw, polished, edgy, smooth, and above all, decidedly Los Angeles with just the right splash of southern rock. It oozes up-and-coming effervescence yet manages to sound extremely practiced. There is a lot of soul in it, manifested through gritty, lyrical wordplay, fuming guitars and damn catchy rhthyms. If anything, I would liken TDL to Cage the Elephant before they hit the bigtime and whitewashed their sound.

Here's why it's important that you check out TDL, whether it be through MySpace or one of their shows: there's legitimate talent here, and bands like this deserve your time and money far more than groups who have made it big. Music is just one big cycle of artists who start their careers in dive bars and gin joints, hoping to make it, and if all goes well eventually do. Every mainstream artist you listen to today started as a nobody just like the rest of us, and with the help of fans, reached fame. Bands like this need your support. I wouldn't put them on my blog if I didn't truly believe in the notes they've played.


Upcoming Shows:
9-8-09 @ Viper Room, 8PM
9-9-09 @ Club Moscow, 10PM
9-27-09 @ Knitting Factory (Longhair Illuminati Fest), 5PM


  1. Jenn:

    Hello! My name is Charles and I was introduced to your blog by a friend of mine, Katie Bordonaro. Everything you write about is "right up my alley" and I will try to spread the word for you. :)

  2. Hi Charles!!! A million thanks for visiting and spreading the word :)
